Friday, May 20, 2005

Another day

Another day, another no answer. I could get disillusioned and stop trying but I do not want to give up. That is not what God wants us to do. So I am trying to keep the faith and belief strong. After all, if God is for you, who can be against you? And indeed, he has continued to bless us richly - see what a beautiful daughter he has given us!

Also, we should not always focus on what we get, but what we have given. It is a profound statement and is expressed beautifully in the second stanza of this song


Prarthna continues to amaze us. She wrestles with the thick cushion all the time and will stand if you give her your hand. She loves to get all over Prachi. Today she was doing that when Prachi was eating lunch, especially focusing on her plate. I told her to leave her alone and come to me. She promptly obliged and put her entire hand in my bowl full of paneer! That was incredible.

We went to the mall today to run a couple errands. We got the gift card for the baby shower this weekend, picked up vitamins for Prachi's mom and also got the car seat requested by the Boshoffs. The weather has been really nice and it is fun to be out!


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